Friday, November 29, 2019
Helen Ryland Essay Example
Helen Ryland Essay To what extent should changes in the relationship between monarchy and parliament from 1529 to 1640 be seen as arising from divisions over the future of the church?Until he entered his middle years, Henry VIII was faithful Catholic. His main concern was to gain control of the Churchs vast wealth rather than radically change the liturgy. However, this all changed when Henry tried to put aside his first wife because she had not borne him a male heir (a serious matter for the security of the state). The popes refusal to consent led Henry to reject papal authority and declare himself head of Church by the Act of Supremacy in 1534. He was careful to act in conjunction with Parliament. Thus for a time England remained in most respects Catholic. This is typical of the Post Revisionist view as they saw that different issues could lead to disputes between King and Parliament, but within a framework that can be seen as co-operative.It wasnt until the reign of Edward VI (1547-1553) that reform really took hold. In 1548 an English language order for the administration of Holy Communion was published and the following year a complete Book of Common Prayer appeared. England became a thoroughgoing Protestant state. This is where the monarch encountered its chief parliamentary obstacle. They resisted every step of the Protestant reformation.During Marys reign (1553-1558), England briefly reverted back to Catholicism. She wished to restore Catholicism and papal authority. This provoked fears and opposition from old Henricians loyal to the Kings memory and Edwardian Protestants and in order to do this she had to overcome strong resistance from the House of Commons. There was also opposition of her marriage to Philip II, King of Spain. He was an uncompromising Roman Catholic and was very unpopular in England. There was speculation that he would add strength to Mary to reverse the reformation. Mary gained the title of Bloody Mary because of the large religious persecutions that to ok place. 300 Protestants died as a result of trials for heresy. However she also appointed Protestants to supreme positions, which shows that she did have some toleration towards religion and must have had support in some form. This is typical of the Whig view because they saw that the commons were willing to stand up to the crown over issues they didnt agree with.Elizabeth was completely different to all other monarchs of this period. She was determined to rule a united country. She favoured a moderate reform, which would leave the core doctrine of the church intact, but would embrace the positive elements of the reformation. It consisted of a series of Acts of parliament, which established a revised Book of Common Prayer, the articles of religion and various other minor pieces of legislation. She also founded the Anglican Church, which borrowed principles from both the Roman Catholic and Protestant faiths. The main factor was that in this period of 1559 to 1601 Parliament was wil ling to co-operate with Monarch, even if there were disagreements and criticisms. However there was opposition from the Puritans/Presbyterians, who tried to demolish the Elizabethan settlement. This again is typical of the Post Revisionist view as they co-operated even though there were disagreementsReligion wasnt the only factor influencing the relationship between monarch and parliament.During the 1530s the economy changed. There was increasing discontent over issues such as the introduction of enclosures and inflation in prices. This led to a disruption in traditional village life. This was the only real discontent with finance during the reign of henry as he passed the Statute of wills to ensure co-operation.Money was wasted during Edwards reign due to the war with Scotland in 1547. They gained victory against them, but because the war came late, Scotland was able to look to France for support.Although there was a rebellion in 1549 resulting from economic difficulties, mainly th e enclosures, Mary did a lot to improve the financial situation in Britain. Efforts were made to make revenue collection more efficient by transferring more responsibility to the exchequer, the new book of prayers was introduced in 1558 to improve crown income from custom duties and plans were made to re-value currency after the Great Debasement of the 1540s.Elizabeth was popular among the poorer classes as she encouraged people to grow more food grains in the country, creating more profit and ensured self-sufficiency. One of the main functions of parliament in Elizabeths reign was to fund the government, but this would most probably be apparent for any monarch during the whole period being observed. However the Queen, short of money, granted monopolies to courtiers and royal servants which caused rumblings in parliament, Elizabeth responded with unfulfilled promises of reform. This caused the rumblings to become uproar.This would make co-operation very difficult at this time, which backs up the Whig view, Elizabeth promised things, which she just couldnt fulfil, which leads onto the next issue, the Monarchs personalities.Henry seemed to be quite a stubborn person. If he couldnt get what he wanted then he would change something to make sure things went his way, for example, the rejection of papal authority. He was a bully and had quite an aggressive personality. This can also be seen from the treatment of his wives. Parliament felt intimidated by this, which led them to support him. However when he did reject papal authority, he made sure it was in conjunction with parliament, which shows that he didnt really want to cause conflict between them both.Edward was very young to be a King; he had advisors, which made his decision making easier. Parliament werent always happy, but they co-operated with the monarch.Mary, like Henry was very stubborn. She was a fanatic Catholic, if Protestants fell out of line they were burned to death. She also rejected a parliament petition, which begged her to marry and Englishman. She wouldnt listen to anyone else, except herself.Elizabeth wanted to please everyone; she was over ambitious as this could never work. She promised people things, which she couldnt do. She gave parliament free speech, however they could only speak on subjects, which she addressed. This meant that they couldnt really say what they really felt about certain subjects. This could also be seen as being stubborn because it shows that the monarch decides everything, including when parliament is called and dissolved. Perhaps this is why parliament co-operated with every monarch from 1529 to 1640.As the different monarchs wanted different religious policies, so to would they want different foreign policies.The aims of Henry were to maintain the balance of power in Europe, to resist the power of enemies of England and to dominate European politics. Henry joined the holy league intending to drive France out of Italy. He made peace with Franc e after the marriage alliance of his sister Mary. But after the terms of his alliance with Spain expired, Henry declared war with France. The Scots refused to accept the marriage proposal of Henrys son for their daughter and he invaded and burned Edinburgh. He crushed an Irish revolt against the supremacy of England and acquired the title King of Ireland. He divided the country into many provinces and included Wales with England. England was looked upon as the most important political nation of Europe, this increased parliaments co-operation with henry due to the status England had gained.Marys marriage to Philip, King of Spain, in 1554 provoked a lot of discontent among parliament and the English public. They knew he would have influence over Marys foreign policy. She was put under enormous pressure from Philip to declare war with France and by doing this, she put English foreign policy back to its traditional anti-French footing. Together, with Spain they achieved victory, but Spa in was financially distraught and France had the ability to recover and seize Calais from England, a huge blow to England. This symbolised the limited role, which England could now play in Foreign affairs. This was humiliating to Mary, and the public proved her wrong.Elizabeth framed her foreign policy with the intense ambition that England should emerge as an important nation, socially, politically, religiously and economically. She encouraged internal differences and revolts in European countries to give England room to grow more powerful in the community of European nations. Anglo-Spanish relations had already deteriorated but Elizabeth didnt desire to have the same relations with France and decided to remain neutral when Scotland requested help. She later helped them against France, but secretly so she could maintain relations with France and Scotland. A revolt broke out in Ireland at the same time the Pope excommunicated with Elizabeth. She sent the Earl of Essex to suppress th e revolt and Ireland became under the control of England. As with all the issues included in the Elizabethan period, parliament co-operated with whatever the monarch did as she had overall power. This backs up the Revisionist view, it shows that Crown, Lords and Commons existed in reasonable harmony.This leads onto the next issue, constitutional issues, who held power in this period? Henry broke with Rome and amongst many other things ended Wales being a separate country with England. This shows that he held the power and that Parliament supported whatever he did. However as stated in his personality issue, he was intimidating and aggressive which led them to support him. But having said this parliament did seem to gain some power at least. They passed legislation more frequently, they were allowed to discuss religious policy, although the powers of parliament were changed to facilitate Henrys will, which meant all of this was down to what Henry wanted, not what parliament wanted.Be cause Edward was so young to be King, his advisors took control of most things in the country. It is stated that he was no longer a powerful, adult King, no longer a royal focus of loyalty but divisive aristocratic politics. The nobles of the country were taking control of the country not the monarch nor parliament. In Edward and Marys reigns factions developed within parliament. In Edwards reign, this caused a lack of leadership and social and economic problems developed. However when measures had to be taken, there was co-operation. Backing up the Post Revisionist view.During Marys reign, there were still factions, however they all co-operated to restore an effective government. This is shown when parliament drew up a document in conflict with Philip, they didnt agree with the marriage, which backs up the Revisionist view because they saw parliaments principle function as advising the monarch. Parliament spoke for themselves and the English public in their opposition to the execut ions of Protestants. Catholicism spread as a result. This doesnt show that they held the power though because Mary ignored it and Married him anyway.Cranmer, Ridley and Latimer were imprisoned and executed, removing the major sources of opposition. Mary had overall constitutional control, although she had a lot of opposition which spread and she couldnt put an end to it.Parliament showed that it had some power as the monarch granted monopolies because of the financial situation. This led to uproars within parliament; the monarchy was forced to act. Parliament was only functioning as an advisory and legislative body in Elizabeths reign, although they could give influences, policies were always made by the monarch. This again backs up the Revisionist view, of parliament as a legislative and advisory body. Elizabeth granted them free speech, however this was restricted as they could only speak on matters brought up by the monarch. Thus, Elizabeth held constitutional power.The final iss ue to address was the other individuals involved in advising the different monarchs during this period of investigation.Thomas Wolsey was known for bribing people. He tried to bribe the Pope into allowing the annulment of Henrys marriage to Catherine of Aragon. This didnt work, he was later executed. Seymour embarked on a political career. To promote his ambitions, he looked to parliament for support but instead he was attained and executed. Anne Boleyn caused a lot of conflict when her marriage to Henry was pronounced legal by Cranmer. Cromwell believed that Anne must go, as he couldnt legitimate Mary. He turned against her and made implies for a divorce. Sir Thomas Moore, Lord Chancellor, and bishop, John Fisher, were both executed for failing to recognise Henry as the head of Church. Thomas Joyle canvassed support in the Houses of Lords and Commons. He must have had a lot of influence over legislation.Somerset, during Edwards reign, practically ruled the country for Edward. He to ok control over all issues. But people were against him no matter what he did. The war with Scotland was left too late, which meant Scotland could look to France for support. He was quite tolerant on religion, but he had many pressures on him. He failed to satisfy radical Protestants yet alarmed traditional Catholics. He didnt have much political experience, leading to conflict with parliament, which backs up the Whig view. He was later imprisoned and executed in 1552. Northumberland took over from Somerset and sorted all issues out. He gained a lot of support. He ended the war with France, advanced the protestant faith, making a more decisive statement of national beliefs and restored government finances by strengthening the currency and tackling a wider range of social grievances, which backs up the revisionist view as it shows Co-operation. This wasnt to last though, Edwards health was failing.Gardner caused conflict in parliament. He led opposition in the House of Lords against Marys marriage to Philip of Spain. Factions developed as a result. The main individual in Marys reign was her husband, Philip of Spain. He led her into war against the peoples will. It ended badly as France recovered from the war and seized Calais from England.The Wentworths were perhaps the most heroic figures during Marys reign. They took the lead in defending free speech. They strove for full, free and unrestricted speech on all subjects. This backs up the Whig view as it shows parliament defending their rights and privileges. The Queen reacted by imprisoning them. It didnt have an effect on the House of Commons because they didnt see it as important, but they were heroic because they stood up to the Queen and no one had done that before. Burghleys demand for a triple subsidy provoked angry outbursts, furious debate and protest at the Lords infringement of the Commons liberties. Norton was the best defence against Catholicism, making lots of speeches, written arguments and had th e skill of a parliamentary draftsman. He had lots of support and had some success. Harsher penal laws were put against catholic recusants; he didnt have control over the commons though.After addressing all of the issues involved during this period, I believe that religion was not the most important or the only factor influencing changes in the relationship between monarchy and parliament from 1529 to 1640. I believe that the most important factors were other individuals because this caused the most conflict and constitutional issues, as this was the main factor for co-operation.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Learn How To Write A Perfect Thematic Essay
Learn How To Write A Perfect Thematic Essay How to Write the Best Thematic Essay Sometimes, students are scared when being assigned a thematic essay. But don’t worry; we are sure you’ve written tons of thematic essays already, they just were called differently, for example, analytical or research essay. However, a thematic essay is not the same as those ones, but sometimes professors do not give exact writing instructions. A thematic essay is an essay discussing a phenomenon, concept, or theme. Here you should use all the skills you mastered when writing previous essays. The skills you will need to write your thematic essay include writing in a well-organized manner, presenting evidence, and supporting your thesis. Thematic Essay Definition Sometimes, professors call any assignment on literature a thematic essay. And, very often teachers assign any essays revolving a certain subject or theme in any branch of life as thematic essays. Some professors think that a thematic essay can be written only about literary devices, i.e. you will have to create a thesis around metaphor, symbolism, or hyperbole, for example. Your task will be to take a motif in the literature and create a thesis around that motif. The motif can be different, for example, success, self-knowledge, lost love, etc. As you can see, the approaches of teachers to thematic essays are very different. One of such common topics is How does William Shakespeare use young love bloom to spread the tragedy seeds in Romeo and Juliet? And here is the example of a thesis on that topic: Mental superiority and infallibility of youth are consistently demonstrated by Shakespeare as means of creating the fundament for the later tragedy. You can select a motif or literary device typical for the text and craft an original thesis. Eventually, your task is to prove the thesis with the help of evidence from the text in a coordinated way. Nowadays, teachers assign more thematic essays not related to literature, they simply link thematic essays with various challenged in social human existence.  It means that you will have to do some deeper research. However, you should realize that the reader might not see the thematic essay issue in the same way as you do. That’s why make sure to provide very tight evidence. A thematic essay might require you to write about some very sensitive social problems, so make sure to use light and elegant words not to make your reader disagree with you. Be focused on your central argument at all times. Let’s Write a Thematic Essay Step By Step Choose the best topic to cover your thematic essay. It can be abusage in the workplace if you write about the exploitation of servants in Victorian England, for example. Select a quote, fact, joke, or statistic related to your best topic and create a hook. Link that topic to the narrower one and discuss it in two-three sentences. Provide the thesis. Write three separate topic sentences for each paragraph provided. For example: 1) The exploitation of servants was a means of participating in darker impulses for the wealthy. 2) The exploitation of servants was caused by poor patterns of communication and politeness of the elite society. 3) The exploitation of servants used the most vulnerable society members, and, thus, was opportunistic. Support each topic sentence by providing evidence from history and top sources. State your thesis again in a different manner. Use new vocabulary to recap the main points in a conclusive paragraph. Now the perspective has to be linked to a bigger social issue. Outline Some students don’t pay much attention to writing an outline while they consider it to be a waste of time. However, writing an outline will make everything clearer and will guide you through your essay. Outline Sample Introduction Interesting fact, joke, statistic, or quote which will be a hook. Up to three sentences relating specific theme. Statement of thesis: Second paragraph First topic sentence supporting the thesis. Evidence supporting that claim and explanation of its relevancy or efficiency. Third paragraph Second topic sentence supporting the thesis. Evidence supporting that claim and explanation of its relevancy or efficiency. Fourth paragraph Third topic sentence supporting the thesis. Evidence supporting that claim and explanation of its relevancy or efficiency. Conclusion Reiterate your thesis. Recall three primary points. Link a perspective to a greater picture of life, history, society, etc. issue. Introduction In order to write an introduction, you should complete several tasks at a time, so it might be a bit confusing. From the very first line, it’s necessary to capture the attention of the reader, present him a wider topic and take them to a more specific one. When your experience in writing essays is not that big, it might be tough. However, if you have troubles with writing an introduction, you can go to your thesis and get back to it later. You will find it much easier to write an introduction after you have finished your essay already. Body Paragraphs The body of your thematic essay requires you to think well and write the strongest topic sentences. In your body paragraphs, you should show you’re able to research, collect and organize evidence and make an analysis. Remember that each topic sentence is to be supported by evidence. Initially, topic paragraphs can be written in a certain order, but later, you can restructure them if it is needed. Yes, it happens that the third paragraph should be first eventually, or the first paragraph should become second. Once the essay is written, take your time and check the body paragraphs order again, while the flow of your ideas has to be nice and understandable. Conclusion Before writing a conclusion, take a break and refresh your mind. The reader should have a clear closure after all. In conclusion, it is necessary to remind your reader about the most important points of the essay and help him understand the general sense of its ending. Topics for Your Thematic Essay History How the Civil displayed progress versus tradition? How the seeds of the Great Depression were sowed by the Roaring Twenties? How the notion of brotherhood was undermined in the Civil War? Discuss how human beings created a royal class in modern times and antiquity. What is the role of religion in civilized nations? Human Rights Can we deny the Holocaust? What are the LGBT rights trends in America for the last decade? Discuss the civil rights movements. Nationalism The Neo-Nazi and the KKK movements. American Revolution and nationalism. Is there any connection between nuclear weaponry and nationalism? We Can Help A thematic essay is assigned to you to check if you can create an original essay using the concepts or trends around the events in history or a piece of literature. It is a real challenge to brainstorm a thesis unconventionally. Sometimes it seems impossible to find the most proper evidence for your thesis. We get lots of request from students like you, who get stuck with their thematic essay, and we are here to help. Our top writers have created tons of thematic essays and they are always inspired to create a masterpiece for you. Our experts know exactly what teachers want from you and how they evaluate your works, so they will be able to write a perfect thematic essay for you! Conclusion Don’t be scared when you are assigned a thematic essay, while it is the same essay you have already mastered before. All you need to do it to create a more specific thesis around more precise trend or concept. Once you do that, write an essay using the same structure as for all the previous ones. Your main problem might be connected not with writing itself but with finding unique ideas to support your writing. It’s necessary to set your imagination free and think in some new directions for your essay to be unique and successful. And if you need professional help and support, you know where to find us!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Lead Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Lead Presentation - Essay Example In the present report, we will concentrate upon different approaches to calculating payment to the staff, with especial emphasis upon the use of performance-based and skill-based payment systems, and compensation packages. Whereas there are several types of salary (fixed, performance-based, skill-based, etc.), each having its merits and demerits, the companies choose the one that corresponds ideally to the profession, style of work, and even personal traits of workers. It is a well-known phenomenon that whereas some categories of employees are motivated by high salaries, others prefer getting compensation package rather than big salary. For companies' managers, it is often difficult to choose between offering their employees high salary, on the one hand, and other benefits on the other. Let us therefore consider two types of payment and compensation packages, and how their use influences the performance of the employees. Skill-based system of employees' remuneration certainly has both advantages and disadvantages: on the one hand, it makes the task of calculating the payment for each worker easier for the company's management and allows to attract and retain highly skilled personnel, but on the other hand it takes into account skills rather than actual performance and therefore people get more not because they work hard but because of their background. Sometimes employees with better skills perform worse than those who are less skilled, and in these cases such a system of payment will affect the quality of work, lower employees' motivation, and even destroy team spirit. Yet, it may be argued that those who had been able to develop a certain amount of skills are those whose motivation and performance are high, and the system of skill-based payment works under the condition that certain rules are stuck to. First of all, it is crucial that the employees understand the way the payment is calculated, and fully committed to the company so that there are no doubts as for its fair attitude to staff. (Schuster, 1998) Secondly, the company's management has to make sure that the skills the workers acquire correspond to the company's goals, since it has been pinpointed that skill-based pay is likely to cause problems in cases when the skills acquired by the staff 'become outdated or if the skills are not being used to the fullest by the company'. (Ashish et al. 2004) Therefore, the company should "reflect the button of an employees learned skills to the achievement of company goals". (Fox 2002) 2.2. Compensation packages Perhaps the main argument in favor of company's using compensation packages is that this brings the employees to a considerable degree of commitment making them regard their company as stable, reliable, and caring about its staff's wellbeing. Nowadays, practically any respectable company offers their staff compensation packages of some sort which may include bonuses, holding companies' stocks, getting discounts, medical insurance, etc. (What does a total compensation package include, 2001; Compensation package, 2005; Evaluating the total compensation package, 2005) Free trainings and courses are also extremely motivating, especially for the young
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Report writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Report writing - Assignment Example This is the time when the kids get the basics of communications by learning meanings of words, understand grammar and eventually construct sentences and speak fluently. At the same time being able to learn how to communicate using voice, tone, gesture, facial expressions, and body language. (Evesham & Media). As said by Dowling, it is important for parents and teachers to know that communication among children begin from birth. Although they cannot speak at this age, they are able to communicate by crying. They hear and recognize different voices and even languages. Caregivers, teachers and parents play a very vital role in the child’s communication development at this stage. The child should be taught language and speeches since their brain development is faster than any other time of life (Dowling 2010, p.87). This is corroborated by Lindon when he says that the first three years of a child is when the brain cells are developed and therefore it is very critical in the development of the child’s communications skills and that is the reason great attention and care should be taken in what the child hears and sees at this time (Dowling 2010, p.87; Lindon 2012, p.46). It is evident that there has not been much attention on this leading to poor communication among children. There is a worrying trend among the young children since most of them lack personal, emotional and social development at an early age will lead to poor communication. Fox & Lentini says that behavioral problems in children’s development is influenced by the lifestyle of parents. Early exposure to domestic violence and other family problems do have impact on the child’s development. Janice, Masi & Vick adds that parental attachment is an important aspect of emotional and social development of children. The social and emotional health of a child is highly dependent on the attachment to their parents. Poor parental attachment has a negative impact. The mental health of caregivers and
Monday, November 18, 2019
Intermediate coporate finance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Intermediate coporate finance - Research Paper Example But of late the U.S. has become to a lesser extent reliant on China’s funding of its deficits predominantly as the U.S. classified saving rate has increased and the current account shortage has decreased. However, the mere scale of the U.S. shortage funding need which is approximately $1.6 trillion budget deficit in 2010 and forecast of almost $9 trillion of shortages over the next decade in the markets of bond and currency are delicate (Prasad, 2010). On the other hand an abrupt activity by China to move uncompromisingly out of U.S. dollar designated instruments, or even a declaration to such an extent, would work as a set off around the jumpy market sentiments resulting to a quick plunge in bond prices and the rate of the U.S. dollar. At the same time China would also be facing huge capital loss since its majority holdings are in the U.S. Treasury market. This would also end up in reduction of the Treasury bond rates due to increase in interest rates or even if the renminbi appreciated in value comparative to the U.S. dollar (Prasad, 2010). Over the past years trade amongst the two economies has seen consistent increase in quantity and China’s foremost export market is US. The exports from China, to the U.S. sprang up from $100 billion in 2000 to $296 billion in 2009, and at the same time the imports increased from $16 billion to $70 billion. Thus there has been a fixed percentage of export to the US by China which is 21% right through from 1998 to 2006 but this percentage fell to 18 during 2007-2009. On the other hand even though there has been increase in the exports of US to China the percentage still remains below 5 (Prasad and GU, 2009). Many of the spiny consequences in the bilateral relationship amongst these two countries can be described as the growth of the mounting bilateral U.S. trade deficit with China. This shortage sprang up from about $84 billion in 2000 to nearly $227 billion in 2009. This figure of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Traditional Chinese Culture And Chinese Marriage Theology Religion Essay
Traditional Chinese Culture And Chinese Marriage Theology Religion Essay Marriage is an important part of life. Different cultures have their own tradition to celebrate this big event. Through understanding the traditional customs of marriage, we could learn more about the nations culture and values. In this essay, features of traditional Chinese marriage will be introduced and we will look at how Chinese Culture and traditional values are involved and influence the traditional Chinese marriage culture. Introduction First of all, we should have some brief understanding on some basic traditional values about families and the ancient Chinese society. In traditional Chinese culture, the family units are the basic units of the society which forms the nation. When the family units are well-ordered, the society will then become well-organized and eventually form a harmonious nation. And for thousand years, Confucianism has a very deep influence to Chinese culture and has significant impact in different aspects of the Chinese society. Confucianism is a philosophy which emphasizes on the moral ethics of peoples behaviours in daily life. It is a set of moral and ethical rules or ideas that dictate how a person should behave. It plays a key role in forming the social norms of the Chinese society (Yu 69). Patriarchal Society and values Traditional Chinese families are clan and patriarchal based. A clan is composed by descendants of the same ancestors and families which inherit the same surname. A clan emphasis greatly on kinship and blood relationship, they are regarded as an extension and the continuity of the family. Traditional family always put the clans interests above personal interests and personal honor as the clans honor and shame are closely related to one self. These values play a significant role in traditional Chinese marriage culture. Marriage in WuLun (à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ¢â‚¬ à ¥Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ «) In Confucianism, one of ethical and moral rules on the individuals and social interaction is WuLun (à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ¢â‚¬ à ¥Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ «) . WuLun indicates the five major relationships within a society. The Five Relationships are King to subject, Father to son, Husband to wife, Elder brother to younger brother and Friend to friend (Yu 94). Maintaining good relationships will stability and prosperity of the society and embrace the whole nation to live in harmony. One of the relationships which I would like to mention is Husband to wife, in other words, it is about marriage. To the Confucians, marriage is important to both the clan and the society. The marriage not only symbolizes the joining of two individuals but also the joining of two families with different surnames. Therefore, marriage can act as a medium to connect different families and clans to form a society and even nations. To certain extent, a good relationship of marriage is believed to bring harmony to the society and the whol e world is a big family. Arranged Marriage and matching For traditional Chinese marriage, lots of constraints were also attached with. First of all, a marriage is always pre-arranged by parents, but not based on the couples love and own choice. One of the reasons is that the marriages are usually associated with political reasons and benefits. But the most important one is that the marriage is a major family event and it is a matter of the clan, therefore the marriage must be decided by the parents and individuals must subject to eldership. Brides and grooms will only see or know each other until the wedding day comes ( Gu 137). Moreover, as the Chinese said, Bamboo door to bamboos one, wood door to woods one. To choose an ideal partner, the wealth and social status of the family must also take into consideration. To the male side, the marriage is directly affecting the prosperity and the reputation of their family in the future. The fame of the family and social status of the family is extremely important in traditional Chinese value. People would tend to look for potential families who had similar or same social status as they were to marry with. Therefore a boy who comes from a wealthy family will never be permitted by his parents to marry a girl from a poor family. Confucians emphasize on Li à §Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ ® Li, or the rites, are the guidelines for people to behave properly. It emphasizes respect to others and surroundings through rules and ceremonies. The ideas of Li are closely related to ethics, human nature and social order in society. Li is essential and favourable to society because it encourages and reminds people to aware and fulfills their responsibilities towards others. Three Letters Six etiquettes à ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ‚ ¸Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ à §Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ ® Marriage also has guidelines and rites to follow and procedures are written down in the Book of Rites. Each of the complex procedures has its own symbolic meaning and part of the essential processes in traditional Chinese wedding are the Three Letters Six etiquettes. The Three Letters are the betrothal letter, gift letter and the wedding letter. These letters are the formal documents with the meaning of engagement, gift and confirmation of the marriage. The Six etiquettes are proposal, assessing birth date, presenting betrothal gifts, presenting wedding gifts, setting a wedding date, and finally the wedding ceremony (Chinese Social Customs). Proposal: After the parents of the male side choose a girl, they would then find a matchmaker and her role is to propose and present the male familys request to the girls family and parents. Birth date assessment: If the brides parents did not oppose to the marriage, the matchmaker would ask the birth date and hour of the bride to ensure the couples compatibility. If there were signs of conflicts between the numbers, which is believed to bring disasters to both families, then the proposed marriage will abandoned immediately. Presenting betrothal gifts: After both of the birth dates and hours were approved, the bridegrooms family would ask the matchmaker to arrange and present betrothal gifts to the brides family along with the betrothal letter. Presenting wedding gifts: The bridegrooms family would send wedding gifts formally to the brides family. Gifts usually include tea, beans, oranges, pomegranates, bridal cakes, coconuts, wine, red hair braids, lilies and many other delicacies, each with symbolic meaning in the wedding and the gifts can also show the familys wealth Setting a wedding date: An auspicious date is select for the wedding ceremony. Ceremony: On that day, the bridegroom departs his own home and play loud and cheerful music along the way to the brides home. During the wedding ceremony, both bride and groom have to stand side by side and make three bows. Three bows is the most important rites in the ceremony. The first bow is made to the Heaven and Earth and ancestors. The second bow is to parents and the third one is to each other. (Chinese Wedding traditions) From the above wedding procedures Three Letters Six etiquettes, two main traditional Chinese values can be observed. First, under the Confucian worldview, Chinese believe that the world is structured by sancai (Heaven, Earth and Human) and they all share the same nature and this nature is characterized by harmony. Confucian considers people and nature as a whole and any confrontation with the nature will destroy the harmony. Therefore, assessing birth dates and hours for choosing the correct bride and setting an appropriate wedding date is to avoid any confrontation between the nature and human. Choosing the right bride and right date can avoid any disasters from happening and prevent bad luck, and the marriage is then considered as auspicious, which brings good fortune. Second, the ceremonies show the significance of filial piety. Amongst the 100 virtues, filial piety come first. Filial piety can be referring to full respect and unquestioning obedience to parents. But it is more than that. Confucians consider filial piety as the most important virtue and must be shown not only towards to parents and elders, but also the dead. Reverence for ancestors and worship them is also part of the filial piety. People believe that the ancestor in heaven will bring peace and happiness to the clan descendants. Filial piety, by extension, is showing respect to the past and to the whole nation. We could see this virtue easily from the Three Bows in the wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony takes place at the family hall because it is an important event for the family, the clan and ancestors. The three bows first shows great respect to the nature and then show filial piety to ancestor and parents. And in another ceremony, tea ceremony, the new couples have to kneel down while serving tea to parents and elder in order to show filial piety to them (Katie). Male superiority in Chinese traditional family As mentioned earlier, the traditional Chinese adopted Patriarchy. It is a social system that male is central to both family and society, and where men hold authority and power over children and women. It shows the higher status of male than female, in terms of power and marriage. In traditional Chinese society, men were thought to be the one to continue on with the family line. For this reason, men had a higher status than women in both family and society, as they were the powerful ones who could lead and organize the whole family, even to sustain the continuity of the family (Lan, Peng, Mei 126 ) For women, they were only being characterized as assisting men in traditional family; they had relatively low social status by then. The saying A woman lacking in talent and learning is virtuous shows the difference between men and women, which womens role would only be a stay-home mother who takes care of the rest and breed. Inheritance of the family line is the most important Under the influence of patriarchy, another reason for having marriage is to give birth to the next generation, as the major role of women back then. In order to successfully give birth to a boy, men would get married with more than one wife, which were allowed in the traditional society. It was not being seen as problematic because having children and sustaining a family was vital for all in the old times. In the other hand, this also shows the low status of women in traditional Chinese society. The seven reasons for divorce can best illustrate the phenomenon. The seven reasons is a list of behaviors for which a man would be justified in divorcing his wife. The most concerned one criterion in relation to the continuity of family would be the third one a woman could be divorced if she did not bear a child. People see family as the most important element in society. Although womens social status was relatively low, they had played an important role in giving birth to children. This was also their mainly function in a marriage life. That is why if a woman is incapable of carrying a child, the meaning to the marriage to her husband would be gone. So men could use such reason to marry another wife or divorce the wife who couldnt give birth to a child. Conclusion Lots of Chinese traditional culture and values are found in the culture of Chinese marriage. For traditional Chinese marriage, the benefits of families were always more important than individuals. The traditional Chinese marriage was pre-arranged between parents of two families. And traditional Chinese marriage involves lots of complex procedures. Among them, they shows the great emphasis on rites (Li) in Chinese traditional culture and among the rites and the rules, we could easily observe one of the most important virtues filial piety. Children should always respect parents and ancestors. Traditional Chinese people also emphasis on maintain harmony with the nature, they believed that human and nature were united, that is why the new couples have to bow to the Heaven and Earth first during the Three Bows. In Patriarchal society, male are superior to female and the inheritance of the family line is significantly important. To do so, male can get married with multiple wives and divorc e any wife that couldnt give birth to child. (Word Count:2020)
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Path to the Chromosome Theory of Heredity :: History Science Biology Essays
The Path to the Chromosome Theory of Heredity The notion of the chromosome theory of heredity is very important to the understanding of evolution and genetics. There were many ideas, some correct and others not, which influenced the revolutionary discovery of chromosomal heredity. The main stones in the path to the chromosomal theory are the pangenesis hypothesis, the germ-plasm theory, and Mendel’s Laws. Pangenesis Lamarck expressed the idea that by simply using or not using certain organs they may be developed or atrophied and their offspring can then inherit these acquired characteristics. (Milner p. 375, 1993) It should be noted that this theory was not widely accepted largely due to the fact that the French word that Lamarck used in the sense of â€Å"must†was translated as â€Å"wants to,†which makes it sound as though the organism decides to change its body. Furthermore, Lamarck provided no mechanism by which this could take place. ( Darwin was the one to give a mechanism for Lamarck’s idea. This mechanism is known as pangenesis. Darwin’s ideas of evolution were well founded in the beginning; however, as his theory progressed he reverted to Lamarckian thought to explain his observations. To begin his theory he started with the observations that there is variation in offspring. He wrote, â€Å"no one supposes that all the individuals of the same species inhabiting the same confined locality, are cast of the same mold†¦I am convinced that the most experienced naturalist would be surprised at the number of the cases of variability†¦as I have collected†(Chapter 2 of Origin of Species). He sees that there is a struggle for existence saying, â€Å"as more individuals are produced than can possibly survive, there must in every case be a struggle for existence†(Chapter 3 of Origin of Species). Finally, Darwin recognized that there is a survival of the fittest in that the organisms with the best variations for the continuance of the species live and those with variations that are n ot as useful to the continuation of the species die (Chapter 4 of Origin of Species). Darwin begins to diverge into Lamarckian thought at this point. Darwin wrote that, â€Å" slightly different changes in the conditions of life add to the vigor and fertility of all organic beings†¦the crossing of forms which have been exposed to slightly different conditions of life or which have varied, favours the size, vigor, and fertility of their offspring†(Chapter 9 of Origin of Species).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Project Proposal for Library System with Barcode Technology Essay
1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problem STI is the second largest IT-based educational institution in Asia and has branches all over the Philippines. It has a branch in Malolos and is located at McArthur Highway Veritas compound, Dakila, Malolos City, Bulacan. There are more than two hundred students and around sixteen (16) personnel including part-time and full-time faculty members. All students and faculty members are allowed to borrow books. The STI College Malolos Library has only one Librarian. There are 5,586 books with a wide array of topics/subjects. It houses two computer units as extension to research for users whose needs are not supplied within the location. As for the school librarian, the librarian has difficulties in computing charges generating reports, monitoring overdue and managing database. The proponents aim for the improvement and efficiency of the school’s library transactions. 1.2 Overview of the Current State of the Technology `Library System is an enterprise resource planning system for a library, used to track items owned, bills paid from patrons who have been lost the book or overdue book and patrons who have borrowed. 1.3 Project Rationale The library of STI College Malolos will benefit from the proposed computerized library system with Barcode Technology. It will reduce time and effort for both librarian and students. Students The Students of STI College Malolos will benefits from this system because they can easily borrow or return from the library. They don’t need to search the book by borrowing through index card. Librarian The librarian will also benefits a lot from this system because the computerized library system with barcode technology would help her lessen her work from maintaining the books from their availability since its already computerized. The work of the librarian would be easier and faster. It will help her to easily monitor the transaction of the books. Proponents The proponents will also benefits from this system because the proponents can apply their knowledge that they have learned from school. The system is a very big advantage to them because it will develop their skills in terms of programming. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Problem Statement Since STI College Malolos is using manual transaction there are possibility that data might get misplaced during manual transactions and time consuming. Too much paper work, since everything and every detail is written down manually in paper. 2.2 Proposed Research Project 2.2.1 General Objectives The main objective of this study is to come up with Computerized Library System with Barcode Technology for STI College Malolos.. The proponents would like to automate STI College Malolos process using Barcode Technology to reduce tie and effort for both librarian and students. 2.2.2 Specific Objectives ïÆ'ËœTo create a module that will compute penalties for delinquent borrowers. -A function that will generate a minimum amount of penalty for the delinquent of the library. The penalty will be based on the librarian. ïÆ'ËœTo create a module that will generate reports. -System will generate standardized reports such as list of borrows, list of new books, list of damaged books, list of delinquent borrowers and other periodically and start to end date of report and other options can be included. This system will held the librarian create reports that are required by school. ïÆ'ËœTo create a security and model in audit trail. -The proposed system will improved the record keeping process of their current system by having security measures and database that will accommodate all the transactions inside the library. Each user will be given a certain level of security to ensure the security of the database. The module has a log in system that will require username nad password before system can be used. Level of Accesion will be implemented to protect confidential records that other users should not see or use. An audit trail will be used to track transactions that require the modifying or updating of sensitive and confidential records. ïÆ'ËœTo create a transaction module for borrowing and returning book(s). -Having a computerized system in borrowing, returning and searching of books. It is easier and more convenient for the user to find a certain book by title, by subject author. The time required in searching and processing these trasactions in the will require the modifying or updating or updating of sensi tive and confidential record. 2.2.3 Scope and Limitations Scope Proposed system will cover the following: ïÆ'ËœBooks File Maintenance -The system can store, retrieve, modify and deleted file will moved to archive of records. ïÆ'ËœReturn and Borrowing Transaction -The system is automatically set the day of return and borrowing. ïÆ'ËœCompute the days of penalty -The system will automatically compute the days of penalty and cost. ïÆ'ËœReports -Book List -Patron List -Transaction List -Returned List ïÆ'ËœArchives -Books -Patrons ïÆ'ËœUtilities – Back-up and Restore – Audit Trail – Setting – User Setting – Change Password – Time and Date Setting Limitations The system will not cover the following: ïÆ'ËœReservation -The system will not cover the reservation of the books. ïÆ'ËœLibrary Budgets -The system will not include inventory of other STI College Malolos Library assets such as oBooks Supplies oTables oChairs oBook Shelf 2.2.4 Methodology Sda 6 Parts of Spiral Model: ïÆ'ËœCustomer Communication -We conduct an interview to gather information that we need to this proposed project. We provide questionnaires and make researches about the STI College Malolos Library. ïÆ'ËœPlanning -We distributed task for each member and created questionnaires for the interview. ïÆ'ËœRisk Analysis -We identify the errors and bugs in our system. We will analyze each and every error occurred during testing. ïÆ'ËœEngineering -We design and constructed the system using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and MySQL. ïÆ'ËœConstruction and Release -The system will be tested in STI College Malolos to check if the system reached their satisfaction. We will also teach them how to manipulate this system. ïÆ'ËœSystem Evaluation -Asking for feedback from customer is important in making a system. In this part of Spiral model, we ask for feedback to our customer for us to know what the rating of our system is. 3.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3.1Calendar Activities †¢JULY 1 – 10 – Searching for Company †¢JULY 10 – 11 – Conduct Interview †¢JULY 12 – AUGUST 30 – Conduct Research †¢JULY 15 – AUGUST 30 – Documentation †¢JULY 22 – SEPTEMBER 11 – Coding †¢AUGUST 1 – SEPTEMBER 22 – Testing GANTT CHART 3.2 Resources Hardware The proposed Computerized Library System with Barcode Technology for STI College Malolos requires hardware requirements as well. Since the school has a computer laboratory, STI College Malolos already meets all the requirements for a desktop, at least Intel Pentium 4 Processor with at least 2,4Ghz, at least 512mb RAM, and 80gb Hard Disk Drive and Barcode Technology. Software The proposed system will run in windows XP SP2 and SP3 with MySQL for data storage program of the system. 4.0 APPENDIX 4.1 References 4.2 Resource Persons Ms. Claricel V. Mejia School Librarian STI College Malolos Mr. Christopher Rae Perez School IT Head STI College Malolos Mr. Samson Eugenio School’s Academic Head STI College Malolos 4.3 Personal Technique Vitae Maelynne Joy A. Estander San Pablo, Malolos City Mark Allan D. Francisco Grand Royale, Malolos City Emil Paolo M. Tamondong Lugam, Malolos City
Friday, November 8, 2019
Aims and objectives of the study Essays
Aims and objectives of the study Essays Aims and objectives of the study Essay Aims and objectives of the study Essay The primary research objective of this study is to determine and discuss the key success factors (KSFs) that would ensure the success of a Russian-foreign venture agreement. The study will in particular focus on the IJVs immersed in the oil and natural gas industry. To implement this research objective, the research study aims to examine the history and trends on international joint ventures (IJVs) in Russia, the problems they encounter, and the KSFs that will ensure the success of starting IJVs in Russia. The study will make use of a review of related literature and case study analysis. Even though the thesis will focus on IJVs involved in the oil and natural gas industry, it will cite various case studies of other companies in other industries as well, in order to get a more comprehensive understanding of effective strategies for successful IJVs in Russia. In answering the primary research objective of this research, the thesis will further explore the following secondary research objectives: To provide a background on joint ventures (JVs) and international joint ventures (IJVS) as a whole, particularly as to their advantages and disadvantages. To understand the role of IJVs in Russia’s gas and oil industry. To highlight the problems that IJVs encounter in Russia which contribute to the high failure rate of many of these business arrangements. To identify the key success factors (KSF) that determine the success of IJVs in Russia, through case study analysis of IJVs in Russia. To examine the importance of the identified key success factors and the contribution of each factor to the success of IJVs. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This research study is relevant because it will seek to improve the success rate of international joint ventures (IJVs) investing in the Russian oil and gas industry by identifying the key success factors (KSF) that will ensure such success. The Russian oil and gas sector generated total revenues of $123. 5 billion in 2005. In 2003, the country’s energy exports accounted for one-fourth of Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP), opening the floodgates to droves of foreign investors excited to cash in on this booming industry (Energy Information Administration, 2005). Russia has also overtaken Saudi Arabia as the world’s leading oil and fuel exporter (Datamonitor, 2006). A huge bulk of investments in the Russian oil and gas industry comes from IJVs arrangements where many organizations set up jointly-owned business entities while at the same time maintaining their independence from each other (Johnson Scholes, 1999). Major American, Japanese, Norwegian, and English petroleum organizations have set up IJVs with local organizations in Russia, but despite the numbers, the failure rate of IJVs have by far outnumbered their success rates (Katsioloudes Isichenko, 2007). The alarming rate of failure of numerous IJVs in Russia poses as a serious threat to the development of the Russian energy industry, and on the country’s economic growth as a whole (Katsioloudes Isichenko, 2007). As such, this thesis is significant in that it will seek to provide recommendations that may help in reversing the increasing failure rates for IJVs in Russia’s energy industry. The findings of this research study can serve as guidelines that will help to ensure the success of an IJV in Russia, which in turn will contribute to the further development of the country’s gas and oil industry, and ultimately, to the improvement of the Russian economy as a whole. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A joint venture (JV) constitutes a separate legal entity which is jointly-owned and jointly-managed by the two or more parent organizations, or the â€Å"venturers. †As a general rule, a JV must have the following essential characteristics: 1) a separately identifiable joint venture entity; 2) an ownership interest in such entity by each joint venturer; and 3) an active management involvement, or deliberate abdication of the right to such involvement, by each joint venturer (Eco-Legal and Management Advisory Services Limited, 2003). There are two kinds of joint ventures: the equity joint venture and the contractual joint venture. Joint ventures involve a 50/50 participation of both venture partners, wherein each contributes 50 percent of the equity in return for 50 percent participating control. The degrees of ownership and control, as well as the expected returns, are results of negotiations between the two contracting parties. Problems may arise at this point when parties negotiate their expected valuations or returns, particularly if the joint venture happens to be in a country with a controlled economy or when one party is contributing land or goods and that party happens to be from a country where such land or goods may not have readily ascertainable free market values (Eco-Legal and Management Advisory Services Limited, 2003). There are certain advantages to this 50/50 arrangement, the most obvious is that both partners are equally at risk and have equal rights and obligations as to each other. The Eco-Legal and Management Advisory Services Limited (2003) further provides for the following advantages for organizations that enter into JV agreements: A company with insufficient resources may utilize the financial resources of another company with similar needs or interests, especially with regard to embarking on a particular project. In such a case, both companies will bear the share the potential risks involved in the new venture and reduce the burden of investment costs since all expenses are split into two between the two companies involved. The parties may extend their capabilities and business opportunities by pooling together their resources, technology, and expertise. Either one of the parties may expand its market power or even expand into a foreign market with which it has no familiarity. A JV agreement is especially helpful because the venturer who is located in the country or area where the other venturer wishes to expand is more familiar with local business customs and trends. The challenges in forming JVs are not limited to those challenges experienced for Russian JVs and international joint ventures (IJVs) alone. Studies show that a majority of large JVs encounter serious financial or managerial problems within the first two years of operation. Some common difficulties encountered by joint ventures in general are listed below (Hewitt Associates, 2008): The philosophy governing expectations and objectives of the joint venture agreement is unclear. There is an imbalance in the level of investment and expertise brought to the joint venture by the two parent organizations. The senior leadership and management teams for the joint venture receive inadequate identification, support, and compensation. The JV partners possess disparate, and usually conflicting, organizational cultures and operational styles. The JV’s size is modest compared to the two parent organizations. Thus, poor or unclear leadership, different corporate cultures, and a poor integration process contribute greatly to the failure of JVs, by analogy, of IJVs as well. Similar to the challenges outlined by Hewitt Associates (2008), the Eco-Legal and Management Advisory Services Limited (2003) provide for the following similar challenges that may lead to the failure of JV agreements: In sum, entering into a joint venture agreement is definitely not for the faint of heart. JVs offer a host of benefits to the parties involved, but both parties cannot simply enter into an agreement without carefully weighing out the risks involved and coming to terms with goals, expectations, and capabilities of each party. What makes it especially harder for JVs and IJVs in Russia is that in addition to the challenges that JVs in general have to deal with – whether or not they are located in Russia – they also have to deal with other problems that are unique to the Russian business industry and economic milieu.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Funny Trick or Treat Sayings to Bring Giggles With the Chills
Funny Trick or Treat Sayings to Bring Giggles With the Chills The night of Halloween brings with it a lot of funny stories and anecdotes. The best part of the night is sitting together with friends and sharing candies, and Halloween stories. Some memories fill the house with peals of laughter, while others remind you why Halloween is the favorite holiday for kids. Kristen Bell I have friends who wear Star Wars costumes and act like the characters all day. I may not be that deep into it, but there’s something great about loving what you love and not caring if it’s unpopular. Bart Simpson Trick or Treat isnt just some phrase you chant mindlessly like The Lords Prayer. Its an oral contract. Rita Rudner Halloween was confusing. All my life my parents said, Never take candy from strangers. And then they dressed me up and said, Go beg for it. I didn’t know what to do! I’d knock on people’s doors and go, Trick or treat. No thank you. Douglas Coupland Who made the rule that everybody has to dress like sheep 364 days of the year? Think of all the people you’d meet if they were in costume every day. People would be so much easier to talk to – like talking to dogs. Dave Barry I preferred to trick-or-treat as a vampire, which I felt was much scarier. The problem was the plastic vampire teeth. I have a powerful gag reflex, so when people opened their doors, instead of being terrified by the awesome bone-chilling specter of the Prince of Darkness, theyd see this short, caped person, retching. Their only terror was that I might throw up on their shoes. Poorly aligned eye holes are an ancient Halloween, tradition dating back to at least my childhood. My early Halloween memories consist of staggering around disguised as a ghost, unable to see anything but bed sheet, and consequently bonking into trees or falling into brooks. The highlight of my ghost career came in the 1954 Halloween parade when I marched directly into the butt of a horse. So when I open the door on Halloween, I am confronted by three or four imaginary heroes, such as G.I. Joe, Conan the Barbarian and Oliver North, who would look very terrifying except that they are three feet tall and facing in random directions. They stand there silently for several seconds before an adult voice hisses from the darkness behind them: Say ‘Trick or treat!’ Conan O’Brien This Halloween the most popular mask is the Arnold Schwarzenegger mask. And the best part? With a mouth full of candy you will sound just like him. Robert Brault I don’t know that there are real ghosts and goblins, But there are always more trick-or-treaters than neighborhood kids. Anonymous The older you get, the harder it is to find someone willing to share a horse costume with you. Emily Luchetti After eating chocolate you feel godlike, as though you can conquer enemies, lead armies, entice lovers. Winifred Sanderson from Hocus Pocus You know, I’ve always wanted a child. And now I think I’ll have one... on toast! R. L. Stine When I was a kid my family was really poor and I remember one Halloween I wanted to dress up really scary and my parents came home with a duck costume. I wore that costume for years! I hated it. Jean Baudrillard There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world. Charlie Brown I got a rock. Michael Trevino I only eat candy on Halloween. No lie. Gavin DeGraw When I was a kid I got busted for throwing a rock through a car window and egging a house on Halloween. Derrick Rose On Halloween, dont you know back when you were little, your mom tells you dont eat any candy until she checks it? I used to be so tempted to eat my candy on the way to other peoples houses. That used to be such a tease. Jimmy Fallons Pros and Cons of Trick or Treating, The Tonight Show Pro: You get to go door to door, pretending something youre not. Con: Like Republicans on the campaign trail.Pro: As an alternative to candy, you can offer trick-or-treaters a heart-healthy apple. Con: When you close your door, they will offer your house some heart-healthy eggs.Pro: You bought tons of candy just in case you get lots of trick-or-treaters this year. Con: Riiiiight!!!Pro: Everyone loves your quirky and unique costume: Fat Iron Man. Con: You meant to go as Iron Man.Pro: Getting to say, Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. If you dont, I dont care, Ill pull down your underwear. Con: Getting the response, Sounds good to me.Pro: With a Halloween costume, you can pretend to be someone you could never be in real life. Con: Rick Perry is going as President Rick Perry.Pro: Halloween is not just about the candy you get; its about knowing your neighbors and enjoying the festivities of the season. Con: Raisins?!?!? Aww, hell, no!
Monday, November 4, 2019
Counseling Theory Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Counseling Theory - Term Paper Example is a concept of offering counseling to patients with psychiatric problems; according to it, applying spiritual and biblical concepts and philosophy will help the patients overcome their problems. This is very important in psychoanalysis because it not only provides a basis to diagnose patients with psychological problems but also makes it possible for these patients to be treated. The main assumption here would be that a patient will be aligned with biblical concepts. This is because, as Jared (2009) argues, for a patient to benefit from the therapy, he/she has to believe in the concept that the counselor is using. A closer look does indicate that those who are inclined to religious faith are more likely to be treated successfully with this Christian Worldview concept than those who are not be inclined to have religious faith or any form of spirituality. As a result, when applying the Christian Worldview in secular therapy, it is important to make sure that this does not come between the patient and his/her healing, by making sure that the patients will come to terms with the treatment. Failing to do this can cause a lot of problems, and the patient can end up being worse off than he was before (William, 2009). Christian Worldview is build around the idea that the patient will benefit more by looking deeper into himself/herself and identifying some his/her spiritual inadequacies. The main idea is that any psychological problems are caused by the person’s failure to come to terms with spiritual requirements. This view is quite different from the secular view, because the secular view is more inclined to believe that the patient’s problems are caused by the external world rather than the internal issues. This is because the secular view of counseling and psychiatric therapy focuses on the fact that psychological problems arise from the way a person looks at himself, and that this picture is always a result of what the person knows or believes the ot her people
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Briefing a case---Near v. Minnesota Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Briefing a ---Near v. Minnesota - Case Study Example The Court was of the judgment that the restraining order violated the First Amendment of the Constitution (Near v. Minnesota). Since the Press was barred against publishing and circulating information on prejudice and anti-Semitism, the Court indicated that the media was simply censored. The press had to enjoy its freedoms and restrains would only be applicable in contexts such as the media publishing stories that touched on overthrowing the government, matters on national security, war, incitement and indecency (Near v. Minnesota). Who won the conflict? What is the legal holding? : The Saturday Press won the conflict. The legal holding focused on the fact that the statute did not allow for censorship control by the media. Censorship for the Saturday Press was, therefore, not permitted (Near v. Minnesota). The state in this context, did not have the mandate to determine what would be published or not. The Court also noted that issuing sanctions to the media prior to their publications would be a clear infringement of the freedom of the press. Prior restraints were therefore not applicable. Why?: The logic that supports the majority opinion is the fact that the First Amendment was to protect the press, and more so from interference from the government that strives to make restraints on the media (Near v. Minnesota). A precedent that emanates from the case relates to how the government makes constant attempts to restrain speech especially on ideas that do not support the government. This case will be used a guide to future cases on restraints on the event that the government opts to regulate the media, this ruling will be useful to giving rulings. Concurring and dissenting opinions: Three judges among them Justice Butler wrote dissenting opinions that the statute needs not operate on restraints on publications. According to the judges, the
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